Care for the décolleté area: effective tools and procedures

Are you ashamed to wear a plunging neckline? We seem to know what it is: you just forgot that this area needs care too. Below is a detailed guide to everything that will help revive your décolleté.

Neck and décolleté area care - how to preserve youthful skin?

Care for the décolleté area: effective tools and procedures

Are you ashamed to wear a plunging neckline? We seem to know what it is: you just forgot that this area needs care too. Below is a detailed guide to everything that will help revive your décolleté.

Everyone knows roughly where the cleavage is: somewhere here, you say, getting into the chest. You are partially right, this is the chest, more precisely the area between the bra and the neck. Find out why there is so much noise around it.

Characteristics of the skin in the décolleté area

skin features in the décolleté area

For the cosmetics industry, the neck and décolleté are one. Neck products are suitable for the care of the décolleté and vice versa. Simply the skin of both areas has a similar structure, which means that the problems here are the same. This tandem is held in a single muscle -platism.It is very thin and is not attached to the bone tissue, which indicates its mobility. With age, the force of gravity takes its toll, the torso pulls the platter down (the chest can weigh from 300 g to 1 kg), and with it "slips" the skin of the neck and décolleté. Outwardly, this is manifested by a loss of elasticity and resilience - characteristics that will prevail for several years.

Another weak point of the neck and décolleté is thinsubcutaneous fatand a modest amountsebaceous glands.Hence the tendency for dehydration and lack of natural nutrition.

Small vessels are also absent, therefore, microcirculation and oxygen supply to tissues are not very active.

In a word, all the facts about the structure of this part of the body suggest a fair idea of premature aging. Encourage thoughts about collars and scarves - we show you how to prolong the youth of the décolleté area.

Causes of wrinkles on the neck and décolleté


Doctors have been saying for a long time: ultraviolet radiation is harmful to skin cells. To protect your neck, you need either a scarf or a sunscreen. You will remove the first one soon, the second one remains. How many SPF units should I get for the neck and décolleté? At least 30, and in summer increase the number to 50. We do not recommend neglecting sun protection at any time of the year, especially if the workplace is located near the window. You can get problems from hyperpigmentation to deep wrinkles and melanoma.


Laptops, tablets, phones are your faithful companions, but technological progress also has a dark side. Looking at the blue screen of the devices, you lower your head at an angle of 45-60 degrees, which means that the appearance of wrinkles on the neck is inevitable. In addition, the load on the neck muscles increases several times. You will probably need not only a cosmetologist but also a vertebrologist (a doctor who specializes in the spine). If you want to avoid such consequences, keep the monitor at eye level. Agree, it seems strange, but there is no harm to beauty and health.

Wrong dream

More precisely, the wrong body position during sleep. Side sleepers often "hold" wrinkles along the décolleté. Or rather, deep wrinkles on the skin that look like wrinkles. The solution is to sleep on your back. Choose an orthopedic pillow that is comfortable to lie face up. Do you still wake up on your side? Take a closer look at the special anti-wrinkle pillows. Their purpose is to prevent the breasts from touching each other, in any position of the body. Although, judging by the estimates, wearing such a pillow can not be called comfortable.

Skin care steps with décolleté

The décolleté skin care steps

Admit it, you caress your face with worthy care every day and everything below is done little and rarely. With this approach, you risk growing a second chin and gaining a floating oval face. How to care for the neck and neck at home? The stages of a beauty treadmill do not differ much from face care: the tools are the same, but the makeup should be more delicate.


cleansing the skin of the neck and décolleté

It is more convenient to spend it in the shower. Cream and oil textures to help you. First, they do not contain surfactants, which dilute the weakened hydrolipid layer. Second, as part of these products, the moisturizing and nourishing elements, their dry skin will accept with gratitude.


exfoliation of the skin of the neck and décolleté

Many sources do not recommend the use of abrasive products or cleansers for delicate skin on the décolleté. We believe that such a precaution is remote. Cleansing cleanses dead cells and activates blood circulation, which is important in décolleté care. Choose products with finely ground particles and do not be diligent with the force of friction.

Another option is peels for home use with low acid content. Look for alpha and beta hydroxy acids, salicylic acid in their composition.

For sensitive décolleté skin, choose natural exfoliators: papaya and pineapple enzymes (bromelain). They are more common in masks and are softer than acids.

Exfoliate your skin twice a week. This will enhance its cell renewal and enhance the effect of creams and serums.

Moisturizing and rejuvenating

Moisturizes and renews the skin of the neck and décolleté

Tone the skin of the neck and décolleté with the same tonic as the face. Take a piece of clean cotton, apply the product on it and treat the given area, gradually moving upwards. Follow with a moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating or lifting cream. And after 40s, it's time to think about renewing and taking a closer look at the antiage series. Use face products or special cosmetics for neck and décolleté.

Apply all of the above on the chest and neck with light "long" movements.high.This will increase the lifting effect of the cream and improve the elasticity of the skin.

List which cosmetic ingredients your neck and décolleté skin needs at home:

  • Vitamins C and E.Vitamin C (applied in the morning) stimulates collagen production, evens out skin tone and reduces inflammation. Vitamin E will soften wrinkles in the décolleté area and retain moisture in the cells. Working in pairs, they give a powerful antioxidant effect, much stronger than individually.
  • DMAE, or dimethylaminoethanol.Its task is to immediately renew and tighten the skin. Strengthens cell membranes, erases wrinkles like rubber and has a serious lifting effect. For a tool with such a composition, you will have to spend, but the purchase is worth it.
  • ALA, alpha lipoic acid.Powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Will help to get rid of wrinkles in the face and décolleté area. The ingredient is ideal for people prone to allergies to cosmetics.
  • Idebenone.A sensation in the beauty industry. It is the most effective antioxidant known to science. Protects cells from the harmful effects of the sun and harmful environmental factors, reduces dryness and soothes the skin. Effective for young skin, and after 50. In a word, do not skip!
  • Niacinamide, vitamin B3.Also a shining star in the cosmetics industry. It strengthens collagen fibers, smoothes the structure of the skin, increases its density, reduces hyperpigmentation and sincerely fights wrinkles.

You will see peptides, hyaluronic acid and tocopherol in the composition of the products, take a closer look - these wonderful moisturizers will also not interfere with the dehydrated décolleté skin.

Massage with décolleté at home

décolleté massage at home

The occasion when you can create beauty with your own hands. Self-massage will saturate the skin with oxygen, increase drainage, stimulate the release of toxins and improve cell renewal. Master the technique and buy t-shirts with deep V collar

  1. Apply the oily or greasy cream on the right palm and spread it from the center of the chest to the left shoulder. Repeat the same with the left hand and right shoulder. The tool should slide well over the skin so as not to stretch it.
  2. Turn your head slightly back and, moving up from the clavicle to the chin, apply the cream to the neck. Pressure on the skin should be minimal. Do not focus on the central part of the neck - thyroid massage is useless.
  3. Take the right side of the neck with your right hand, keep your fingers behind the ear, now make some pressing movements, coming down to the torso. Repeat with the left hand on the left side of the neck.

Exercises for a beautiful cleavage

exercises for a beautiful cleavage

Skip this point if you are serious about swimming, yoga, Pilates, dancing and with reasonable loads "squeeze the iron out of your chest". Sport is not for you? Learn three chest strengthening exercises that do not require time or willpower.

  1. Gather your palms together at nose level, spread your elbows and keep them parallel to the floor. Clap your hands without opening your fingers. Your rate is 30 times twice a day.
  2. Stand facing the wall, spread your arms forward and rest your palms on the wall. Drop your shoulders and do not strain. Push up 15 times against the wall, tightening the pressure. Keep your body straight from head to toe. The farther from the wall, the harder.
  3. A straight back is an ally of a beautiful cleavage. This exercise will strengthen your back muscles and you will automatically start to maintain your posture. Hold books under the armpits, press the elbows to the body, stretch the forearms forward with the palms up. Do not change anything in the scheme, except the forearms: spread and lift for 10 seconds. Return to starting position, repeat 10 times.

Neck and décolleté salon treatments

neck and décolleté salon treatments

The list of services practically does not differ from person to person. Keep a cheat sheet on which aesthetic procedures you can rely on.

A noticeable rejuvenating effect on neck & décolleté skin will give injectionsmesococci and biorevitalizers.The former contain plant extracts, trace elements and vitamins to improve the condition of the skin, the latter tighten it thanks to hyaluronic acid.

From hardware methods, good reviews fromerbium and CO2-fractional laser.They increase collagen production, tighten the skin and equalize its relief.. Thermolifting(phototherapy) in the décolleté area will soften wrinkles and remove age spots, andbipolarRF- setting upget rid of weakness.

Important: do not use it to renew the décolleté (under the neck)botulinum toxin. And in the neck area, due to the proximity of the thyroid gland, thermal heating procedures are not practiced.

Decollete makeup

makeup on the décolleté

Makeup artists have a rule: the laws of attractiveness are based on the play of shadows and light. For a beautiful neck, sculpture knowledge will come in handy: we highlight the bulges and darken everything that is in the shade. Apply a heavy cream or bronzer under your clavicle and mix well to avoid harsh skin tones. Finish by adding a subtle glow to the accent, directing it along the clavicle bones and along the top of the torso. Not enough shine - use a glitter lotion. You do not have to be smart with it - spread it on the skin of the neck and in the décolleté area.

Hacks of life for every day:


Tension accumulates in the shoulders, learn to discharge them. The more tense you are, the higher your shoulders and the worse your posture. Hang on the horizontal bar or pour a stream of cold water from your shoulders to your elbows. This will relieve fatigue and replenish energy reserves. You will swim again.

eat properly

Include foods with a good dose of omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, flaxseed oil, walnut oil) in your diet. For them, not only the skin will thank you, but also the cardiovascular system.

Take a contrast shower

At the end of the water procedures, massage the décolleté area with a stream of cold water. This will strengthen the tissues and improve microcirculation.

The main rule: pay no less attention to the neckline than the face. Wearing a beautiful dress with deep neckline, you will realize that you are not busy in vain. And do not be surprised if men stop looking you in the eye.